The Little Prayer Book That Could and Did

Subtitled: Are You Grieving and Hurting Right Now and Think You Might Be Crazy? Introduction: "Pfwheww"! ~ This is a hard one. I have this story I want to share. I have been in writer's avoidance of doing so because to put it to words means I have to re-visit some deeply personal and painful places in my psyche and mind and share them. Even though I feel healed and wholeness now, it is very difficult to 'look back on the sad days' so to say. My main social media is twitter and several people have recently come under my observation at having lost to death very meaningful people in their lives this past three months. Some are folks who don't follow me and I don't follow them, I just heard about what happened through the 'twittervine'. So here I am attempting to reach beyond myself with the hope, this little blog post will reach out, touch and positively impact one person who may be feeling empty, completely alone, perhaps in question of th...