Oct 20 and 21 ~ The Aviators Honor Departed Pets

WHO: The Aviators Club on twitter WHAT and WHY: will be flying it's quarterly tribute (memorial) mission to honor pets and anipals both known and unknown who've have gone OTRB <---- O ver T he R ainbow B ridge in the past three months. WHEN: It is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 1:00 PM EST ~ (which is 12 NOON Wisconsin time). HOW: If you would like the name of your departed pet called out in tribute during this flight please feel free to contact any one of these folks: The Aviators Club @TheAviatorsClub Dear Clyde @DearClyde Shelly @Shelly338 <---- Shelly is the team leader for this mission Twitelien @Twitelien * * * Australia and New Zealand Quarterly Tribute Mission Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM AEST (Brisbane Time) Mouche Cat @clingycat is the team leader for the Australia and New Zealand mission * * * Recent Aviators Taz, Daisy and Budd...