Austerity Evolution II

We have covered "The Company Store" and how too much dependence upon charging goods/groceries was creating financial problems for the families, particularly my Aunties and Uncles where I grew up. We wrote how this began their own self determined Austerity Evolution . They accepted their part of the responsibility in this issue, began to buy The Company Store groceries with cash and use the charge feature only when either weather conditions (primarily in the winter) prevented their usually once monthly trip to the nearest city North or another emergent (urgent) family need arose they had to use the grocery money for. They looked to what self sufficiency they had in their past to better their present. My Auntie E1 put in a garden and then many of the community began to do the same. Auntie E1 and Uncle M. ~ THE FREEZERS ~ My Daddy had recommended to the Uncles if they were to make ONE purchas...