#TheAviators OTRB Missions Tips

Heart Centered special OTRB logo patch created by Dawn Thomas @fraggleart on Twitter especially for @theaviatorsclub #TheAviators from @theaviatorsclub on Twitter will fly two OTRB Tribute Missions January 11, 2014 They are the Southern Mission flown first and the Northern Mission flown last. ( WorldwideTime zones and cities charts below) We have prepared flight tips for aviators, which includes good information for attendees: Aviators : Wear your goggles on mission day. (Use them as your avatar) Aviators throughout the Missions and Twitter Public participating in Open Program : Use #TheAviators #JanTF in all your tweets as hashtags so all may see your tweets. How to: Bring up #TheAviators hashtag in direct (regular) twitter by placing #TheAviators into Twitter's search feature, and clicking on All (so all tweets are shown) Applications like TweetDeck allow you to bring up #TheAviators hashtag and add it as a column t...