#TheAviators Jan 11 Comprehensive Mission Briefing


MISSION GOAL:  To recognize for families and honor their pets and animals who have passed away OTRB (Over The Rainbow Bridge) with the great hope that by doing so we may bring comfort to their grief and loss and in some small way help facilitate their healing. 

We humbly and sincerely ask all #TheAviators to keep this mission goal heart centered and primary focus. We understand how these missions reflect so well upon the club and we have appropriate pride in flying #TheAviators.  These missions are not tasks for club glory or personal glory. They were born from love and only happen from those #TheAviators hearts dedicated to love and service to others. 

January 11, 2014 represents the seventh #TheAviators Quarterly OTRB Flight Missions. (began July 2012).

Founders @DearClyde  @Shelly338  and   @cori_berman along with a small group of beginning #TheAviators could not have foreseen how their very first honor flight May 25, 2012 to recognize a dog pal who passed away on May 18, 2012, leaving a devastated family could have grown into such a force. 

We take this Mission Briefing opportunity to honor these founders and beginning #TheAviators  and tell them "Thank You". 

Hello, this is Daisy and Taz from @3DogsWhite on Twitter.  It is both our privilege and responsibility to lead #TheAviators Northern OTRB Flight Mission January 11, 2014 on Twitter.  Mouche (Jazz) @clingycat on Twitter will plan and lead the Southern Mission. 

We are asking for Northern Mission program volunteers here and Tribute Callers who are available.  Tribute Callers are you available for the Northern Mission or Southern Mission or both? It is most helpful if we know what missions you are flying or both. Some #TheAviators were able to make Tribute Calls for both missions during the October 19, 2013 flights.

We can then make sure we personally coordinate with @clingycat  so you can be assigned the same Tribute Calls for both missions. 

We have organized all the volunteer tasks we need help with for the Northern Mission in this briefing.

We are asking all volunteers to reply in the comment section below, the task(s) you are interested in doing.   If you have questions of a sensitive or personal nature, please Twitter DM (direct message) @3DogsWhite ~  (We think we must be following each other on Twitter to be able to direct message.Give us a tweet shout if necessary so we can be sure you can get a DM through to us.)

"ideal for smaller accounts" information:  We want to make sure ALL #TheAviators who wish to be included are included, therefore we are marking some of the tasks with an "ideal for smaller accounts".

Reason: Twitter can be mathematically  "fussy" about how many tweets with replies and mentions that smaller accounts can make in an hour time period, which can result in an account being sent to Twitter Jail or Twitmo as some call it. (This is where Twitter times you out, not allowing you to tweet.)

HASHTAGS INFORMATION:  For both the Northern and Southern Missions we shall be using two hashtags: #TheAviators #JanTF in all of our tweets.


We are providing picture links and tweet examples here for some of these volunteer tasks with related notes.

GORDON VOLUNTEERED- THIS TASK COVERED: Northern Mission Official Greeter Introduction:
Two Tweets -  "ideal for smaller accounts".
The picture link:  http://twitpic.com/dnx26b

(5 minutes prior to mission take off) - Tweet example:
Welcome all  fliers, please use  and  hashtags.  are mission leaders.   

(1 minute prior to mission take off) - Tweet example:
Welcome all friends to    OTRB Mission, follow the hashtags.  are mission leaders.  

Mission begins - Opening Remarks by Mission leaders
Mission leader introduces who will be giving the Flight Mission Prayer.

VOLUNTEER NEEDED  - Northern Mission Opening Flight Mission Prayer -
 "ideal for smaller accounts".
The picture link: http://twitpic.com/doptgn
Tweet example:
Shall we pray, here is  Prayer written by   -  

Mission leader introduces who will be doing the OTRB Tribute Balloon Progress Check:

BARLEY VOLUNTEERED- THIS TASK COVERED:  - Northern Mission OTRB Tribute Balloon Check
Two Tweets -  "ideal for smaller accounts"
Tweet 1: The picture link: http://twitpic.com/doxko3
Tweet 2: The picture link: http://twitpic.com/dopv7v
(Mission leader will introduce you with a tweet.)

Tweet 1 example only :
 OTRB Tribute Balloon launched earlier in Australia. Traveling the globe in loving remembrance.  

Tweet 2 example only:
 heart centered OTRB Tribute Balloon Flights logo was created by  for  

The volunteer may use the tweet examples provided (copy and paste or retype) or write your own tweets using the hashtags #TheAviators and #JanTF 

5 to  8 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader introduces 
TRIBUTE TWEETS FROM @theaviatorsclub :

@theaviatorsclub  will Tribute Call OTRB aviators In Memoriam final portraits followed by the Going Home Bagpipes song. Sadly we report, we lost five #TheAviators this past quarter. Samson dog (Oct 22); Bilbo bunny (Oct 24);  ZobyDoby cat (Oct 28); Phi dog  (Nov 20); Sam (girl cat) December 16.

13 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader will call for #TheAviators Tribute Callers to begin.


TRIBUTE CALLERS - BEGIN at 14 minutes after mission start time so the fallen #TheAviators Tributes may first be completed.  

TRIBUTE CALLERS CURRENT OTRB REPORT:   -  As of December 17, 2013, we have (close approximate) 120 Tributes listed, only 13 needing completing. These 120 Tributes represent 140 animals departed OTRB. They include OTRB departed this past quarter and family remembrances of other OTRB pets specifically requested through individual #TheAviators as well as @theaviatorsclub. We will update this report count here as regularly as we can while continuing to keep up with any incoming referrals and newly departed OTRB.

To #TheAviators reading this: If you have family pet members OTRB you would like to have a family remembrance for with pictures you want included in the Tribute pictures uploaded... NOW is the time to get them to @theaviatorsclub

Especially, if you had pals or friends go OTRB this past three months, feel free to ask us or @theaviatorsclub if they are on the list. If you have other pals who have OTRB departed never recognized with a tribute flight like #TheAviators, please make contact.

We sincerely ask of you, please do not take for granted all your pals are currently listed. We can only do the best we can, if you have any doubts, please ask.

We have prepared pictures and and written Tributes already uploaded (logged-in) you may use (simply copy and paste prior to mission); there are those of you who can schedule tweets and that is appreciated by us for those that can. IF you do have the time, you certainly may write your own tribute tweets. 

EXTRA NOTE FOR ALL FLIERS -  If there is a pal departed you want to make additional tweet or tweets in during  the mission and you have the tweet capacity to do that, it's fine to do. (Usually works best during OPEN PROGRAM portion of the program).

TRIBUTE CALLERS VOLUNTEERS - Place in the comments below that you are willing to volunteer and call tributes. Please state what Mission(s) you are available for or both and approximately how many Tribute Calls you think you would be able to tweet for each mission(s) you shall be flying.

TRIBUTE CALLERS VOLUNTEERS - We will need a good working e-mail address where Tribute Callers may receive their call assignments.  PLEASE DO NOT PLACE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IN THE COMMENTS HERE - DM (direct message it) to @3DogsWhite (we will give you our e-mail address. Give us a tweet shout if you need to DM us and can't get through ).

TRIBUTE CALLERS - we can e-mail each of you your Tribute Calls with picture links, Saturday, January 4th - one week prior to flight missions or EARLIER if you simply ask us.  (We have 100+ ready to be assigned.) 

We need TRIBUTE CALLERS VOLUNTEERS  plus we also need
TWO SPECIFIC TRIBUTE CALLERS VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR "LATE CALLS" - these are OTRB Tributes that come in from January 4 - part of January 9 and can be e-mailed to you Friday, January 10 the day before the missions are scheduled to fly.  We need you to be able to cover both the Northern and Southern Missions. We have no way of guesstimating how many (if any) may come in during that time. You two volunteers shall be our "go to" last minute clutch fliers in case you are needed. Most likely you shall be needed. Sadly, we shall have to close the "logged-in" uploaded flight list by 6 PM Eastern Time USA, Thursday evening January 9. 

TRIBUTE CALL EXAMPLE:  (We are using our own Buddy as an example only.)

BUDDY, beloved brother of  did OTRB Jun 29. We remember with love. #TheAviators #JanTF http://twitpic.com/dot4e0

 14 minutes after missions starts Tribute calls begin  by #TheAviators flying and continue until all their Tribute Calls are completed. 

19 minutes after missions starts Mission leader will tweet a call for the OPEN PROGRAM portion of the mission to begin. 


OPEN PROGRAM is designed for OTRB departed friends, families, pals including #TheAviators not otherwise tied up in making Tribute Calls. This part of the program is also open to the general twitter public including all  #TheAviators.


IMPORTANT MESSAGE PARAGRAPH HERE:  #TheAviators never dreamed of the huge amount of anipals, furends, loved ones that would go OTRB each quarter. Flight missions can carry only what load they can carry  which were 205 Tribute Calls that were actually logged-in (uploaded) for the October 19, 2013 missions.  "Logged-in" uploads are majority completed for all those who did make contact and asked in advance.  We also recognize for everyone who did ask, there are even more out in Twitter's world who will choose this day and time to remember their beloveds in the OPEN PROGRAM.

We recognize that many #TheAviators are themselves or have friends and pals who are very high tech savvy and are capable of having made unique remembrances (some were used as avatars for friends and pals who went OTRB and others were in memorial collages.) May we say those pics/remembrances are certainly welcome to be tweeted. The same is said for the general public Twitter community who chooses to take part in the OPEN PROGRAM.

#TheAviators - Who are you flying for today? (meaning day of mission)  - The two best places for who you are flying for today (day of mission) are pre-mission and during OPEN PROGRAM.  If you tweet who you are flying for right after the mission begins before the OPEN PROGRAM part,  it creates a signal wave where the general Twitter public begins to tweet in to the program too early.

Pre-Mission 20 minutes prior to take off  is our particular favorite place to tweet who we are flying for today. Here is our example from the October 19th, 2013  -  
Today we fly for ALL the pets/animals departed OTRB in memory of our brother, Captain Buddy.
For the upcoming missions it would read....
Today we fly for ALL the pets/animals departed OTRB in memory of our brother,

Here is an example of a family remembrance not logged-in (uploaded) with #TheAviators that could be used during the OPEN PROGRAM. 

Buddy, you were the greatest brother. TYVM for your good energy. We love you. Daisy n Taz #TheAviators #JanTF http://twitpic.com/dotfbx 

We ask everyone to please use #TheAviators and #JanTF hashtags. 


Flowers - (2-4 volunteers with two tweets each, always welcome to do more tweets as you can) "ideal for smaller accounts". 

Here are some floral picture links we have provided:

Colorful Daisies http://twitpic.com/dowi9j
Yellow Rose http://twitpic.com/dowinc
Magenta Mums http://twitpic.com/dowiz3
Blue Rose http://twitpic.com/dowjnh
Dusty Rose on a stem http://twitpic.com/dowjxl
Lavender Rose  http://twitpic.com/dowkwi
Blue Forget Me Not http://twitpic.com/dowlgp
Purple Hydrangea http://twitpic.com/dowlt6

Please write your tweets using the two hashtags for this flight,  #TheAviators and #JanTF.

You are free to find and choose your own flowers. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for this task in the comments below and what picture(s) we offered (if any) that you chose to tweet. We need you, please be advised that the general public and/or other aviators may send a few tweets in also.
MISS LUCKY VOLUNTEERED- THIS TASK COVERED:  - Northern Mission Music  (1 volunteer that can make 5-8 tweets as per necessary, always welcome to do more tweets as you can) - we have some music selections we can send you available or you are free to choose your own music. Let us know in the comments below. We can tweet you (if necessary) some of the music selections we have used. Please use #TheAviators and #JanTF in the music tweets.  Here is one song example that we #TheAviators regularly use. 

  Susan Boyle ~ Wings To Fly (with lyrics):  via    

MR. JIM VOLUNTEERED-   Message From The Bridge  http://twitpic.com/dowfjt   COVERED

A Message From The Bridge by Daffy's mom #TheAviators #JanTF http://twitpic.com/dowfjt

MR. JIM VOLUNTEERED-  Rainbow Bridge (story) COVERED

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED Add-Ins Poems, nature pictures, posters or simple tweets of encouragement with no pictures - (2-4 volunteers with two tweets each, always welcome to do more tweets as you can) "ideal for smaller accounts". 

Here are some picture links we have provided:

A Prayer For All Animals:  http://twitpic.com/doxcnw
Burning Candles: http://twitpic.com/doxcuy
Courage Does Not Always Roar:  http://twitpic.com/doxd1n
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep:  http://twitpic.com/doxdb1
Gold and Green Nature Pic with Butterflies:  http://twitpic.com/doxdgo
Jewel Tone Pink Sky w/ White Heart:  http://twitpic.com/doxdly
Sorry For The Loss Of Your Loved One:  http://twitpic.com/doxdr2
Tears Are Words The Heart Can't Express:  http://twitpic.com/doxdv7
Waterfall Over Rocks Nature picture:  http://twitpic.com/doxdzr

Your are free to find pictures on your own. We know that many #TheAviators do have some of their own they use regularly.

Please write your tweets using the two hashtags for this flight,  #TheAviators and #JanTF.

Please let us know  if you would like to volunteer for this task in the comments below and what pictures we offered (if any) that you chose to tweet. We need you, please be advised that the general public and/or other aviators may send a few tweets in also.

29 minutes after mission begins - Mission Leader will tweet for the Missing Man Formation volunteer to begin.

30 minutes after mission begins to 34 minutes after mission begins 

SIR HERBERT VOLUNTEERED from the United Kingdom - Wing Commander Status

4 tweets with pictures in 4 minutes or one minute apart. Please let us know in the comments below if you would like to volunteer for Missing Man Formation. Please write your tweets using the two hashtags for this flight,  #TheAviators and #JanTF.

Here are the picture links in the order they are to be tweeted:
1. Complete Formation: http://twitpic.com/dox25l
2. Executing Split Off: http://twitpic.com/dox2e9
3. Tribute Message, One Missing Man in formation: http://twitpic.com/dox2kb
4. The Missing Man is now Flying Above The Clouds: http://twitpic.com/dox2qk

Tribute Calls and Open Program continues.

45 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader commends the OTRB departed to the Rainbow Bridge. Tribute Calls and Open Program continues.

50 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader calls for #TheAviators who need to complete their Tribute Calls to please do so. Tribute Calls and Open Program continues.

51 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader calls for families and friends who need to complete their Tribute tweets to do so. Tribute Calls and Open Program continues.

52 minutes after mission begins - Mission leader calls for #TheAviators who have completed their tasks to return to base.

53 minutes after mission begins -

#TheAviators lounge pic linkhttp://twitpic.com/doxmgi
Buffet Pic:  http://twitpic.com/doxnc8
Website with #TheAviators Menus available:   

Tweet example 1:

YOU ALL are invited and welcome guests to our  Lounge following  flight mission 

Tweet example 2:

  Buffet service is ready or guests may order off the menu. Menu:   

Feel free to use the provided tweet examples or write new tweets using #TheAviators and #JanTF hashtags. 

58 minutes after mission begins - Closing remarks - Mission leader does a program close.

(We ask only in this blog that if any #TheAviators still have assigned Tribute Calls to finish out, please do finish your calls. No one will fault you or look down upon you in anyway for finishing out your calls and/or being delayed in doing so. We understand things may happen that are not predictable for you.)


10 minutes after mission is closed @theaviatorsclub will tweet five tweets.
(IF READY) - Basic Flight School Announcement Poster for February. 


LOVE PATROL SQUADRON -  POST MISSION at least one hour later and/or as your own personal schedules allow you during either rest of day or next two days. 

The Love Patrol Squadron may be #TheAviators members, friends, supporters and/or the general Twitter public. Please patrol #JanTF and/or #TheAviators hashtags being mindfully aware of tweets sent up from the general public during the mission honoring their loved ones and give them a retweet of love and recognition. It is also quite acceptable if you see any specific #TheAviators #JanTF tweets that move you in any way to retweet them.

(Reason: Such a huge mission, #TheAviators and #JanTF tweets will flash by at supersonic speed in real time during the actual mission itself. This patrol and retweets gives a loving recognition their tweet was seen and acknowledged.) 

ONE VOLUNTEER SECURED, NEED ONE MORE Volunteers to track the OTRB Tribute Balloon. Here are what balloon picture links we have. Please write your own tweets including #TheAviators #JanTF hashtags in them. It is fine if you desire to tweet several times over a several hours time period. 

OTRB Tribute Balloon - evening sky scene with clouds and moon:  http://twitpic.com/doxley
OTRB Tribute Balloon - evening sky, crescent moon, trees, person watching:  http://twitpic.com/doxlmj
OTRB Tribute Balloon - evening sky, sunsetting, mountains, stars:  http://twitpic.com/doxlui

Mission briefing conclusion to follow below: 

#TheAviators is 100% volunteered powered Twitter fliers.

We can only complete this mission with your help, YOU -  #TheAviators fellow fliers, all friends, pals, volunteers and supporters. We can only accomplish the Tribute Calls for both missions with your help.
We are using this, our gramma's blog as our communications headquarters for January 11th.
The good news is Toddy Furrington @ToddyFur on Twitter is currently building (is in process) a website combined with a blog place for The Aviators Club to help further communications, education and understanding for #TheAviators  @theaviatorsclub.

We meant it when we stated this is a comprehensive mission briefing. We thank you for taking the time to read and process this large of amount of information given to you all at one time. Bookmark it if you need to refresh or read over again for details or to retrieve picture links provided.

Especially with many of you having very busy lives and commitments combined with it being the holidays are primary reasons time has been taken here to bring you available pics, examples and such an in-depth briefing. The intention is to both give you an overview of how a mission may be accomplished and offer you some time saving options such as pictures and tweet examples so that you may participate and be mission ready. We appreciate whatever you can do and whatever we may all do together as #TheAviators to accomplish these missions.

We know you may have many questions. Please feel free to ask your questions in the comments below. Once again, if you have questions of a sensitive or personal nature, please Twitter DM (direct message) @3DogsWhite ~  (We think we must be following each other on Twitter to be able to direct message. Give us a tweet shout if you need to DM us and can't get through.)

After the volunteer slots are filled we will blog a Northern Mission Program so you will know the names of who is doing what tasks and in what program order they come.

Daisy and Taz - We send LOVE! 


  1. Welcome Toddy and Jazz. This is our Northern Mission Plan for the next flight. While it is published and therefore public, we've asked our two biggest supporters not to tweet it. It is undistributed as of yet. We have asked for Tribute Callers to let us know what missions they are available for, so we may coordinate the calls with Jazz ourselves. Please review and make your suggestions. We will then update with the edits. Sincerely Daisy n Taz with help from gramma.

  2. @Helhawk Sulley here. I am looking forward to flying both missions in January. As a novice could I volunteer for something simple?

  3. Special Recognition: Miss Lucky has been in touch this week and has already accomplished the music preparation for the Northern Mission. Simply wish to recognize the music research and thoughtful thinking that went into choosing music for this duty. Well done Miss Lucky. Very appreciated.

  4. THANK YOU #TheAviators VOLUNTEERS! Here's who we have so far.

    GORDON - Northern Mission Official Greeter and Introduction - as of Dec 18 (details being worked on)

    BARLEY - Northern Mission Program OTRB Balloon Check - as of Dec 17
    BARLEY - Post Mission will Track OTRB Balloon and tweet - as of Dec 17
    (details being worked on)

    MISS LUCKY - Northern Mission Program Music - as of Dec 17, has music ready to go as of Dec 21.

    Tribute Callers:
    MISS LUCKY - Tribute Calls Northern Mission - as of Dec 18 - as of Dec 23 has Tribute Calls
    COOK - Tribute Calls Southern and Northern Missions - as of Dec 23 has Tribute Calls
    EMMETT - Tribute Calls Northern Mission - as of Dec 19
    ASHLEY - Tribute Calls Southern Mission - as of before Dec 17 (early volunteer)
    JAZZ - Tribute Calls Southern and Northern Mission
    ANGEL SMOKEY - Tribute Calls Southern and Northern Mission - as of Dec 21

    SIR HERBERT - Missing Man Formation Northern Mission - Wing Commander Status as of Dec 19

    SULLEY - will help us with some program tweets (details being worked out) as of Dec 18

    CRYSTAL 7Trekky - will help us with some program tweets (details being worked out) as of Dec 18

    MS. PUD - will help us with some program tweets (details being worked out) as of Dec 18

    MR. JIM - A Message From The Bridge and Rainbow Bridge (story) - all set as of Dec 23.


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