The Maid
It was an important week at our home. It always is when a family has a break through versus a break down. My daughter was able to express (and make me believe it) that she was/is afraid that I would become too obsessed, too consumed by social media (i.e Twitter) as to not be present and available to connect and interact with her. Here I thought it might be about her wanting me being more 'the maid'. My daughter has many personality characteristics that are very close to what my own Mama's personality was (her grandmother). You will see where 'the maid' plays a part in this. There are various main components and vast family dynamics at play here on this one. The first one is I have a 'thingy' about not being 'the maid'. I do a maximum of 50% of all household chores including cooking even though my daughter works full time. 50% despite my Twitter addiction and now this blogging stuff. I usua...