It Was A Good Year for the Irises

The "original" two clumps and two clumps only of Irises were located at the far end of this current bed three years ago.  My daughter who became the Resident Flower Gardner in Chief  took apart those two clumps, dividing them and distributing about anywhere we could on this property. She also gave away to other neighbors.  Our closest neighbor she made a flower garden for at the front of their home last year and indeed did transplant Irises into that one.  We had Irises blooming everywhere around us this season.

The "other side" at the front of our home

The Irises on this side were only just put in there last summer.  We were pleased they decided to bloom.  This particular pic may show you we have particularly sandy soil. The Irises do not seem to mind they are not given rich, black, top soil. My daughter is of the opinion they seem to thrive better just as the soil is. Frankly, I was skeptical about transplanting these here because this area are gets direct sunlight from morning until late afternoon. It faces east toward the sunrise. I am very pleased that "daughter knows best".

One of the backyard Iris beds is doing so well, it is threatening to run the other plants out!

 Even  our "The Dead Iris Bed" chose to live and bloom!
It's a funny story, family joke between us. This site was used to put the remnants of Iris bulbs that were not going to grow.  We called it "The Dead Iris Bed".  Last year I loudly exclaimed, "Look "The Dead Iris Bed" has green plants." Some short time passage after that I loudly exclaimed, "Look, 'The Dead Iris Bed' has a bloom!".
At that time,  I have absolutely no recollection of my daughter telling me, she had replanted this tiny triangular section with Iris bulbs that would grow.  Once again this year I loudly exclaimed, "Look, 'The Dead Iris Bed' has blooms."   My daughter gently steered me to a backyard chair with a "Let's talk" and she then explained it all again to me. I'm still thinking this is the FIRST time I've heard this.  We both broke down into long, loud and hearty laughter about all this.
Should I say the myth of our "The Dead Iris Bed" is that IT LIVES!  All credit for a living "The Dead Iris Bed" goes to my daughter.

The FIRST Iris bloom this season came on Memorial Day

Digging in the dirt, growing flowers has always been special to me. It's like heart and soul food for the spirit. My daughter does the work these days.  She loves it and the flowers love her back!  Enjoying their blooms feeds my spirit. Enjoying my own daughter blossoming as she flower gardens also feeds my spirit.

Just in case you may need a reference here is EHow ~ How To Transplant Iris Bulbs  by Cathy Conrad.

You can find me @grammakaye on Twitter.


  1. Very nice Kaye,I'm glad the flowers are growing in "the dead Iris bed", I use to jump on the lawn mower an zip around the yard and uh, cut everything down. My wife would yell at me, can't you tell those are flowers and NOT weeds. I can't lol, so now when in doubt I just go around them, and then my wife will say why didn't you cut down those weeds. If it has a flower on it and it's not a dandelion I feel safe not cutting it down, but somethings confuse me :))

    1. Ouch, zip id dee doo dah lawn cutting including all flora and fauna ~ super powered riding lawn mower Big Daddy. You might be able to resolve this once location, location, location is established and everyone do know what and where they are. ~ Kaye


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